A month later!

I cannot believe it is almost a month later that I’m typing here.  I guess it has been a busy and undisciplined month.  I really wish I had blogged/journalled my way through it.  Anyway, no time like the present to repent and return to healthy habits including writing/blogging/creating.

First, since I have been regularly updating my weight: 162.4  What this number does not show is how I went down to 155.4 about 2 weeks ago and then slipped into depression, went on a mini-trip and totally crashed/trashed myself by consuming about 1000 pieces of chocolates.  That is what I did but ultimately it always comes back to my emotional needs.  That big hole in my heart needs/craves something.  If I don’t stuff it with God…then chocolate seems to be the go to – unfortunately!  Of course it did not help that it was Easter and sweets were everywhere.

I got super duper fancy and decided to make myself a checklist like my previous 40 day checklist on Excel.  It took a bit of time, it is not perfect but I like it.  This time it is in celebration of my milestone birthday coming up!  I’m excited to see where God will take me with what I have put on my checklist like taking time to be kind each day, having fun with the kids, staying away from sugar and reading 10 chapters of the Bible daily.  I’m also committing to sleep with my family and not stay up uselessly surfing the net.  So tough but SO worth it.  I will feel better sleeping on a regular schedule.   It tends to be something that informs all my other decisions.  As we say in my family, a great morning begins with a great evening the day before!


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